This is a content holder for the one button emergency 不ification system.



  1. 付250美元的房间押金 为了在校园里占有一席之地
  2. Sign online Residence Hall License Agreement emailed to your BSU email
  3. 可选: 申请生活学习社区或可选择的住房机会
  4. 可选: 组成室友小组
  5. 参与网上选房



Students who opt to 不 participate in our Living-Learning Communities will select housing from our online room selection process. New students in this process can select from any available bed in our first year residence halls.


  • 参与, student must 不 have selected a space during anther phase of the room selection process (LLCs, 可选择的住房机会, 或性别共融房屋)
  • 学生可能 select a room at any time after their selection time is activated
  • Student may fill suites, rooms, or individual spaces depending on their roommate group. Students are 不 required to fill a suite or a room during room selection.
  • 学生可能 在他们完成选择后改变他们的任务. Requests will be accepted after each student has had an opportunity to select.

Con​tact the Office of 居住生活和住房 with questions either via phone at 508.531.1277或电邮至


  1. 注意最后期限. 对于重要的日期,我们会发送提醒邮件.
  2. 总是有一个备用计划. 不要把你的想法放在一个建筑或房间的配置上. 在选择之前计划多个选项.
  3. 在选择之前,请确保您的小组已完全形成.
  4. 所有房间的选择都是最终的. Housing assignments can不 be altered until all student have had an opportunity to select.



​​性别包容住房 offers resident the opportunity to choose their roommates without regard to the gender of the individuals. 该课程在伍德沃德大厅提供. New students who are interested in living in a gender inclusive living environment will have the option to indicate this preference on their residence hall license agreement.

在室友搜索/小组组建过程中, students who indicated their preference to live in a gender inclusive environment, will be able to search for compatible roommates without a gender restriction. 如果学生没有通过这个过程找到一个合适的室友, 它们可以返回到单一性别搜索过程, 通过发送书面请求到

The Office of 居住生活和住房 (RLH) will identify floors and rooms within the residence halls that can accommodate a gender inclusive environment. 由于建筑设计的限制, 并非每个宿舍都提供封闭住房的性别.



At times the demand for housing at ladbrokes立博中文版 exceeds the number of spaces available for resident students. In an effort to provide as many students as possible the opportunity to live on campus, the University will take a number of designed double rooms and add a third bed on a temporary basis. 当空间变得可用时, students will be offered the opportunity to move out into a permanent space.

Students in these rooms will receive a 20% rebate on their housing charges for the time that they were living in a temporary additional occupancy room.




Room selection is a process to allow current students to choose residence hall rooms for the 2020-2021 academic year. The intent is to make rooms available to students in the fairest manner possible.


Help is available in the Office of 居住生活和住房 via phone 508.531.1277或电邮至 我们在此期间远程工作,但会回复你.


Current students who have paid a $250 housing deposit and completed the required housing license agreement by the stated deadline.


All eligible students are randomly assigned a selection time by class year and gender. Students with senior credits will select first, followed by students with junior credits, etc.


你想休息多久都行, but be aware that the next times will also be active at regular intervals.

我付了定金,但明年我不会再住了. 我可以把我的挑选时间给朋友吗?



There will be a limited number of single rooms available through the room selection process. If there are none open at your selection time you can fill out a room change request form after you have chosen your room.



我可以把朋友叫来填满克里姆森的整个套房/公寓吗, DiNardo, 英里, 斯通豪斯, 学生公寓, 或魏刚?

是的. In the online room selection process you may fill the entire suite although you do 不 have to. To pull friends in first you must set up a roommate group where everyone requests each other. You can不 go back in to the system to pull someone in after you have finalized your selection.

我是一名返校的大四学生. 我有什么特殊待遇吗?

No. 你在大四的时候选择.


这不会影响你的选择时间. However if you did 不 pay the deposit by the priority deadline you may 不 be able to receive a selection time.


You may submit an online room change request form during the room change period. 我们尽了一切努力来满足要求,但确实有 不能保证 你的请求会得到尊重.


The Residence Hall License Agreement is the second step for student to complete, 提交住房保证金后. 《ladbrokes立博中文版》在每个学生的 MyHousing 账户. Student should read the entire license agreement because it contains policies and expectations for resident students, by signing the license agreement you are agreeing to the terms and conditions outlined. 在许可协议中,学生也将选择他们的膳食计划. More information about meal plans can be found on the 停车 and Connect Card site.


是的,你可以要求一个特定的室友. Requests may be submitted by forming a roommate group together and all requests must be mutual (All parties involved must make the request). 这个过程必须在选择空间之前进行.


A "permanent" or "design" room is a room that is always intended to house a designated number of students. 例如, a permanent triple room is always intended to house three students and has furniture for all three students. In some buildings, larger built-in closets are shared by the residents.


很遗憾,这是无法安排的. 我们的办公室尽最大努力在我们的网站上发布空间的图片. Feel free to reach out to our office with any specific questions you may have.


You will select your meal plan each semester and have the first five days from the official first day of classes of each semester to change your meal plan selection if you choose to do so. 每学期只允许更改一次. 你可以在 MyHousing 或联络泊车接驳卡办事处.