
Counseling Services


Counseling Services enhances students' emotional, social and intellectual development, providing consultation, program development and education for students, staff and faculty. 我们为全校学生提供预防性的心理健康外展项目,因为我们相信,这些问题可以在成为个人或社区的问题之前得到解决.


Confidentiality is imperative. 咨询是保密的,因为当学生可以直接和诚实地与咨询师交谈时,治疗是最有效的, without fear that personal information will be divulged.

Why Seek Counseling?

Students visit Counseling Services for many reasons, including:

  • •    Feelings of anxiety, self-doubt, or depression
    •    A sense of sadness or hopelessness about a particular event
    •    Feeling lonely, overwhelmed, or unusually stressed
    •    Relationships (family, friends, romantic)
    •    Difficulty with motivation or procrastination
    •    Academic problems
    •    Difficulty adjusting to college
    •    Racial trauma
    •    Sexuality or sexual orientation
    •    Health concerns (pregnancy, STIs, chronic illness)
    •    Changes in sleep or eating habits
    •    Problems with alcohol or other drugs

Cost for Counseling Services

Counseling services are paid for by student fees and are free to all BSU students. 那些希望使用外部心理健康提供者的学生应该咨询他们的健康保险,以获得心理健康服务.

A student smiles while talking on her cell phone; text says: Uwill, student mental health & wellness. We're here for U when you need someone to talk to.

Uwill is the perfect complement to our on-campus counseling center, especially for students who need after-hours and weekend sessions, or sessions in their preferred language. This does not replace our traditional counseling services, 但将为有时间冲突的学生提供额外的覆盖和ladbrokes立博中文版, 或者谁更愿意尝试远程治疗,通过这个高效的在线调度平台.

In addition to the teletherapy solutions, 注册免费的Uwill服务,你就可以看到很多很棒的自助视频, including several on managing stress and anxiety, sleep and even academic thriving.

Get started by visiting the Uwill portal and registering with your BSU email credentials. 你可以根据自己的喜好和时间安排联系临床医生.

Togetherall logo - two chat bubbles

BSU Bears are going through a tough time right now, 这就是为什么我们选择与一家提供虚拟点对点心理健康和幸福支持的公司合作: Togetherall.

Togetherall的在线社区是由心理健康专家进行临床管理的, and offers students a safe and anonymous place to express their thoughts, concerns and triumphs. 学生们能够从有真实生活经历的同龄人那里汲取力量和见解, as well as access a range of self-directed, 临床验证的工具,以促进积极的心理健康和福祉.

WellTrack Boost logo

Welltrack Boost is a free resource that is available to all BSU students. It can help you to understand your feelings of stress, anxiety and/or depression, and teach you techniques to minimize these feelings. Welltrack Boost是一种自我引导和互动的方式来管理你的心理健康.

To register for an account, download the Welltrack Boost app on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and register using your @student.dh865.com email address.

This service is also available on the web at bridgew.welltrack.com.

Counseling Services

Short-Term Individual and Couple Counseling

所有注册的ladbrokes立博中文版的学生都有资格与咨询服务中心的辅导员进行初步咨询预约. Some students don't need more than that one appointment. 那些需要或希望进行后续咨询的学生在咨询服务中心进行短期咨询(通常为1-12次),或者被转介到校外进行后续咨询.

我们为个人、异性恋、同性和变性夫妇提供咨询服务. 辅导课程每周最多提供一次.

Group Counseling Offerings


Mental Health and Wellness Workshops

心理咨询服务为学生提供各种心理健康和健康主题的工作坊和讲座, organizations, staff, faculty and other campus groups. Our staff speaks on a variety of topics including stress management, relationship issues, eating concerns, substance abuse, sexual orientation and adjustment to college life. 我们总是愿意接受建议,并将与您一起开发一个符合您的扶轮社或组织需要的演讲.


All counseling services are confidential. 咨询服务的工作人员非常重视保密政策. No matter who calls seeking information about students or alumni, 答案总是这样:“如果没有学生的书面信息发布,我们是不允许透露学生的任何信息的。. 因此,我们甚至不能告诉你一个人是否曾经在这里寻求过服务.”

这意味着学生可以放心地寻求服务,除非学生允许咨询师发布信息,否则没有人会知道他们的业务. There are only three exceptions to this policy.

Exceptions to Confidentiality

第一个问题涉及安全:如果学生向辅导员透露,他或她觉得自己无法阻止自己杀人或严重伤害自己或他人, the counselor may need to break confidentiality. 这并不意味着学生不能谈论自杀的感觉或愤怒的想法. 只是,如果一个人对这些事情的感觉如此极端,以至于他们无法控制自己的行为, 他们的顾问可能需要打破保密,以保护一个人免受伤害.

该政策的另一个例外是,当学生告诉辅导员有人被虐待,而这个人要么是18岁以下的人, over age 65 or an otherwise dependent adult. In these cases, 法律要求辅导员向马萨诸塞州社会服务部披露这些信息.

该政策的最后一个例外是法官要求律师将记录交给法庭. 这种情况很少见,只发生在学生卷入某种法律诉讼时,比如监护权案件和法律诉讼.

Informed Consent

我们的保密政策是基于州法律和咨询职业道德. 我们强烈认为,学生在开始咨询之前应该了解这些政策是如何运作的. This is known as a client’s informed consent. 辅导员在他们的第一次会议上与学生讨论这些和其他相关问题.



Emergency Situations

For all threats of imminent harm, please immediately call 911.

24 Hour Hotlines

  • BSU Police Department: 508.531.1212 or 911 from a main campus phone
  • A New Day (Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence Hotline): 888.293.7273/508.588.8255
  • Brockton Area Multi Service (Crisis Service): 508.580.0801
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800.799.7233
  • National Sexual Assault Hotline: 800.656.4673
  • MA Behavioral Health Helpline: 833.773.2445
  • MA Coalition Against Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence: SafeLink: 877.785.2020
  • MA Statewide Drug & Alcohol Information & Referral Helpline: 800.327.5050
  • Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: 988
  • Crisis Text Line: Text HELLO to 741741
  • 仅针对BSU员工,Mass4You提供的员工援助计划: 844.263.1982